SIGGRAPH 2020: Technical Papers

Technical Papers Chair:

Jury Member(s):


    Hear from a wide range of scientists and researchers who drive the industry, inspire new work, and ignite memorable discussions. This is the content you’ll reflect on and refer to all year.

    The Technical Papers program is the premier venue for disseminating scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Encompassing a diverse range of topics, SIGGRAPH Technical Papers inspire innovation and imagination — how to create and understand the images, characters, environments, and experiences that will make our lives richer.

    A SIGGRAPH Technical Paper is defined by the excellence of its ideas, and we welcome a broad array of submissions. The double-blind review process upholds the highest standards of scientific integrity, and accepted papers are published as a special issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics. Attendees not only listen to paper talks, but they also discuss, question, and build upon the ideas presented.

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